What is the Maldives?

ما هي جزر المالديفMaldives is a small group of Asian islands located in the Indian Ocean, which is an Islamic country; since all its inhabitants are Muslims, it was called by the Arabs "Mahdib" or "delusional time", hence the name has been changed to become the Maldives, with its capital Mali, and the official language is Divehi, and the system of government in this country is Republican, and the estimated population of this country by nearly six million people, according to the statistics in 2008 AD, and the currency is Maldivian hospitality. Islam in Maldives The Islamic religion and the Islamic law in the Maldives are of the utmost importance, and this is clear and clear of the Maldivian Constitution. Citizens must be followers of the Islamic religion only; it does not accept any citizen who does not convert to Islam. Also, the Maldivian law in force should not in any way interfere with Islamic legislation, and citizens are free to carry out any activity, whatever is not contrary to Islamic law first and with the law. Secondly, the Maldivian people always adhere to the teachings of the Islamic religion. Of the Maldivian celebrations whether official, religious or other ceremonies. The Maldives is now an important tourist destination from all over the world due to its outstanding natural beauty; Maldivian geography is unique and exceptional. Tourism in the early seventies of the last century. Tourism, development and prosperity in this country have contributed very significantly to the transformation and development of the Maldivian economy. It has become largely dependent on it, rather than relying on the fisheries and fisheries sector Out. The first element, the red frame, symbolizes work, mastery and devotion to it, as well as symbolizing the blood of the martyrs, while the rectangle symbolizes Green, which lies within the great red frame that lies outside of science to Islam, palms, peace and optimism, and finally in the flag Hilal is located in the middle of the Green Crescent symbolizes the official religion and the main in the state is the Islamic religion, and these three symbols indicate in one way or another the nature of the people The Maldives Beautiful and highly distinguishable. In its present form, the science is the final one; its shape was different in the first half of the twentieth century.


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