What is the reputation of the Maldives?
Introduction A small group of islands consisting of twenty-two islands, comprising one hundred and ninety-two thousand of the atolls (1192), two hundred of which are inhabited, located in the Indian Ocean on the south-west of India on the continent of Asia, with an area of about three hundred and two square kilometers (302 km2), with a population of about 345,023 people, most of whom convert to Islam (this is the law of the country, which states that it does not hold the nationality of non-Muslim countries), their official language is " Its capital is "Malé", and its flag is red with a green rectangle in it The symbol of Islam, the country's official currency, is "Maldives Rs", on 26 December 2004. After an earthquake hit the Indian Ocean, a disaster occurred in the Maldives. The tsunami devastated most of the Maldives, Only nine islands survived, six islands were destroyed, some 14 islands had to be completely evacuated, and twenty-four islands were partially damaged. The economy suffered a severe blow, with losses estimated at four million US dollars, Equivalent to one-third of GDP, and has received one hundred and eight people Have died in this disaster, but the state rose again, and was able to overcome the crisis. The name of the name was called the Maldives in the name of time "the spoils of time", Ibn Battuta mentioned the name in the description of his trips, and is believed to have been "Mel Thib" by the Frankish, and then distorted in English and became the Maldives, , But its people to this day use the name "spoil of time", and its inhabitants fishermen arrived from India and Sri Lanka. The history of the Maldives has been of interest to the government since the beginning of the seventh decade of the last century, and the site of the Maldives and its history is the most attractive tourist from all over the world, Islam has spread in the Maldives thanks to the Sheikh preacher (Hafiz bin Barakat Barbarian Morocco), in the year AD 1153 , Was able to persuade the king of the country at the time (Ahmed Chnorazza), to leave Buddhism and convert to Islam, has been handed over to the people of the country, and the oldest (Malabarion) to invade in the year AD 1752, and occupied by the British in the year AD 1887, and annexed to Sri Lanka, which was a colony Of the bar When the independence of Sri Lanka from Britain in 1948 gave the Maldives autonomy, the Maldives gained its full independence in 1968, when it joined the Organization of the Islamic Conference in the seventies of the last century, I put in your hands the history of the Maldives, and all the changes that took place On the political conditions of the country: In the fifth century BC Buddhists coming from India and Sri Lanka were able to reach and land the Maldives. In 1153 AD the Maldives entered Islam. In 1558 it was occupied by the Portuguese. In 1654 the Dutch occupied it. In 1796 the British occupied it. In 1887 the Maldives became a British colony of Sri Lanka. In 1965 the Maldives gained independence. In 1968, the Maldives became a republic. In 1975 the Maldives joined the United Nations. Maldives is the capital of the Maldives. It is the most important city and island in the country. Despite its small size, it is the main port in the Maldives. It is distinguished from other cities with its markets, mosques and small interlocking streets. Square meters, and the width of two square kilometers, and inhabited by about sixty-five thousand people, and may be up to one hundred thousand people, taking into account the presence of tourists and foreign workers, the island of Mali is one of the most attractive islands for tourists. Ado, also called Adu, the second largest city in the country, has a population of about 35,000. Its language is different from other islands, which Britain adopted as a military base after the Second World War. Britain also established an air base. It gave her great importance, and her residents tried to leave the country. Maldives is one of the most famous resorts in the country and is an ideal place for divers. Adrenaline Club Ranalhi Resort: where visitors enjoy water sports, along with great artistic evenings. Al-Gomhuriya Square: There are social and recreational gatherings. National Museum: A large collection of historical exhibits that embody the history of the country. The Maldives was known for its ancient history of amber, shellfish, dried tuna and coconut. These islands were known as the money islands in the second century AD, and were called the Arabs who controlled the Indian Ocean trade at the time. The shells they produced Maldives is used as an international currency. The Government of the Maldives has been developing the economy, paying attention to the resources of the State and its privileged location. The Government has also allowed more foreign and foreign investment. The local economy of the Maldives is currently tourism as the primary source of income and then fishing. Tourism has accounted for about twenty-eight percent of the national income. The government has been interested in it since the beginning of the seventh decade of the last century. The Maldives' history and history are the most attractive to tourists from all over the world. , And the broad and comprehensive economic development of each sector
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